JadeGiant Comic Art
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Twice nominated Eisner award artwork from Joe Bennett coming soon!

Published on July 24, 2020



Among the Eisner Award nominations is The IMMORTAL HULK by Al Ewing, Joe Bennett, and Ruy José et al. (Marvel) for BEST CONTINUING SERIES.



SDCC may have closed the show for 2020 but the Eisner Awards will happen tonight as scheduled!

It is a testament to how great this series is by being nominated for best continuing series for TWO CONSECUTIVE YEARS.

So, if you are looking for some new Immortal Hulk art by Joe Bennett, stay tuned for an announcement. We will be dropping a large amount of Immortal Hulk art next week so if you have been waiting for some great Joe Bennett Hulk art, get ready for some amazing pages. Trust me, you will not be disappointed with the art being made available so save a stash of cash for next week.

Want to know when the art will drop exactly? You’ll need to be signed up for the JadeGiant Comic Art newsletter to get that information. The announcement will be made shortly before the drop and only those on the newsletter will get the exact announced time of the drop.

Stay tuned! Stay safe! Happy collecting!

- Dave and the JG crew



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